Career Profile
A dedicated and detail-oriented research and development engineer aspiring a challenging opportunity in the field of Visual/Visual-Inertial Perception and Autonomous Systems. Possess a considerable experience in working on highly innovative R&D and industrial projects and in leading multi-disciplinary teams.
- Conducting research at the Robotics/Vision Lab on resilient SLAM algorithms for autonomous robotics.
- Teaching assistant of undergraduate course at the department of computing science.
- Technical lead/Project Manager of multiple highly innovative projects in the fields of inertial stabilization, visual tracking, and spectral material analysis and chemometrics.
- Full design, modeling, implementation, and testing of an orientation estimation algorithm based on inertial sensing and using cascaded Extended Kalman Filters for inertial stabilization platforms.
- Contribution in formulating and deploying a multi-core bare-metal architecture for real-time applications.
- Complete HW/SW design of a visual tracking system integrated with an inertial stabilization platform.
- Successful definition, execution, and leading projects’ deployment plans at international customers’ sites.
- Contribution in the design and development of seven highly innovative sensors’ ASIC interfacing tape-out.
- Definition, design, modeling, implementation, integration, and testing of a wide spectrum of digital blocks.
- Definition, design, implementation, testing, and evaluation of DSP Core.
- Design optimization for hardware acceleration of digital filters execution.
- Ranked as Top Worker for efficiently completing over 32 projects covering a wide range of technologies.
- Worked on three enterprise-level web apps covering the full pipeline of software engineering.
- Worked on the “My Artwork Manager” enterprise project throughout different project phases.
- Efficient usage of open-source web development tools for project implementation.
Poster Presentation at the Annual Group Meeting of The NSERC Canadian Robotics Network (NCRN-AGM 2021), Virtual Conference, May 2021.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.07462 (2020).
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), vol. 8, Issue. 5, pp. 2446–2453, January. 2020. (DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E5649.018520)
U.S. Provisional/Pending Patent Ser. No. 62/631767, filed February 17, 2018, and renewed in February 2019.
Proceedings of IEEE/ION Position, Location, and Navigation Symposium (PLANS 2018), Monterey, CA, April 2018, pp. 432-439.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT), Cairo, Egypt, May 2017, pp 42-47
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT), Cairo, Egypt, May 2017, pp 42-47
Proceedings of IEEE Sensors Conference, Busan, Korea, 2015