Career Profile

A dedicated and detail-oriented research and development engineer aspiring a challenging opportunity in the field of Visual/Visual-Inertial Perception and Autonomous Systems. Possess a considerable experience in working on highly innovative R&D and industrial projects and in leading multi-disciplinary teams.


Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant,

Sept. 2019 - Present
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
  • Conducting research at the Robotics/Vision Lab on resilient SLAM algorithms for autonomous robotics.
  • Teaching assistant of undergraduate course at the department of computing science.

Staff Design Engineer, Systems Design Group

April 2018 – Aug. 2019
Si-Ware Systems, Cairo, Egypt
  • Technical lead/Project Manager of multiple highly innovative projects in the fields of inertial stabilization, visual tracking, and spectral material analysis and chemometrics.

Senior Design Engineer, Systems Design Group

April 2016 – April 2018
Si-Ware Systems, Cairo, Egypt
  • Full design, modeling, implementation, and testing of an orientation estimation algorithm based on inertial sensing and using cascaded Extended Kalman Filters for inertial stabilization platforms.
  • Contribution in formulating and deploying a multi-core bare-metal architecture for real-time applications.
  • Complete HW/SW design of a visual tracking system integrated with an inertial stabilization platform.
  • Successful definition, execution, and leading projects’ deployment plans at international customers’ sites.

Digital IC Design Engineer, Digital Design Group

Aug. 2013 – April 2016
Si-Ware Systems, Cairo, Egypt
  • Contribution in the design and development of seven highly innovative sensors’ ASIC interfacing tape-out.
  • Definition, design, modeling, implementation, integration, and testing of a wide spectrum of digital blocks.

Digital IC Design Intern, Digital Design Group

July. 2012 – Sept. 2012
Si-Ware Systems, Cairo, Egypt
  • Definition, design, implementation, testing, and evaluation of DSP Core.
  • Design optimization for hardware acceleration of digital filters execution.

Freelance Software Engineer

Aug. 2011 – Nov. 2012 / / Private Contracts, Online
  • Ranked as Top Worker for efficiently completing over 32 projects covering a wide range of technologies.
  • Worked on three enterprise-level web apps covering the full pipeline of software engineering.

SWE Intern, Open-Source Development Team

Aug. 2013 – April 2016
Sumerge Enterprise Solutions, Cairo, Egypt
  • Worked on the “My Artwork Manager” enterprise project throughout different project phases.
  • Efficient usage of open-source web development tools for project implementation.


  • Are We Ready for The Robust SLAM Era? A Framework for Quantitative Analysis of SLAM Datasets.
  • Islam Ali, Hong Zhang
    Poster Presentation at the Annual Group Meeting of The NSERC Canadian Robotics Network (NCRN-AGM 2021), Virtual Conference, May 2021.
  • PL-VINS : Real-Time Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM with Point and Line Features.
  • Quang Fu, Jialong W., Hongshan Yu, Islam Ali, Feng Guo, Yijia He, and Hong Zhang
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.07462 (2020).
  • A Novel Unscented Kalman Filter Strategy to Enhance Navigation System Performance
  • M. Mahmoud, I. Alaa, A. Wassal, A. Noureldin
    International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), vol. 8, Issue. 5, pp. 2446–2453, January. 2020. (DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E5649.018520)
  • Multi-Rate Algorithm for Visual Odometry
  • Islam Alaa, Amr Wassal
    U.S. Provisional/Pending Patent Ser. No. 62/631767, filed February 17, 2018, and renewed in February 2019.
  • VO-Sim : A Generic Framework for Tuning and Evaluating Visual Odometry Systems
  • Islam Alaa, Amr Wassal
    Proceedings of IEEE/ION Position, Location, and Navigation Symposium (PLANS 2018), Monterey, CA, April 2018, pp. 432-439.
  • A Dual-Channel CAMShift Algorithm for Embedded Real-Time wVisual Servoing Applications
  • Islam Alaa, Amr Wassal, Omar Rayan, Osama Rashad, Amr ElDieb
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT), Cairo, Egypt, May 2017, pp 42-47
  • Tuning of The Error Covariance Parameters in EKF-Based INS/GPS Systems : A Practical Approach
  • Mostafa Mahmoud, Islam Alaa, Amr Wassal, Aboelmagd Noureldin, Amr ElDieb
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT), Cairo, Egypt, May 2017, pp 42-47
  • A High-Performance Self-Clocked Digital-Output Quartz Gyroscope
  • Ayman Ismail, Khaled Ashraf, Ahmed Metawea, Islam Mostfa, Ahmed Saeed, Eslam Helal, Mostafa Essawy, Mohamed Abdelazim, Mostafa Ibrahim, Ramy Raafat, Eslam Abdelbary, Islam Alaa, Marawan Nabil, Abdelrahman Mansour, Bassem Ibrahim, Ayman Elsayed
    Proceedings of IEEE Sensors Conference, Busan, Korea, 2015